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Stuart Mascair

27 June 2012

BBC Books have sent DWO the cover & details for the September release of A History of the Universe in 100 Objects by James Goss and Steve Tribe.

A History of the Universe in 100 Objects

Written by: James Goss and Steve Tribe

Every object tells a story. From ancient urns and medieval flasks to sonic screwdrivers and glass Daleks, these 100 objects tell the story of the entire universe, and the most important man in it: the Doctor.

Each item has a unique tale of its own, whether it’s a fob watch at the onset of the Great War or a carrot growing on the first human colony on Mars. Taken together, they tell of empires rising and falling, wars won and lost, and planets destroyed and reborn.

Within these pages lie hidden histories of Time Lords and Daleks, the legend of the Loch Ness Monster, the plot to steal the Mona Lisa and the story of Shakespeare’s lost play. You’ll find illustrated guides to invisible creatures, the secret origins of the internet, and how to speak Mechonoid.

A History of the Universe in 100 Objects is an indispensible guide to the most important items that have ever existed, or that are yet to exist.

+  A History of the Universe in 100 Objects is released on 27th September 2012, priced £20.00 (HB).

+  Compare Prices for this product on CompareTheDalek.com!

[Source: BBC Books]


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