Following a critically acclaimed run at Salford’s The Lowry Theatre in May 2012, Kill The Beast Theatre’s The Boy Who Kicks Pigs is making its London debut at London’s Jacksons Lane Theatre from 5th March 2013 for 2 WEEKS ONLY.
You may know Tom Baker as the fourth incarnation of The Doctor in Doctor Who, as well as the voice of Little Britain, but he’s also responsible for a blackly comic novel entitled The Boy Who Kicked Pigs – a story that has now leapt off the page to splash bloodily onto the London stage.
The Boy Who Kicked Pigs is a macabre, cult children’s classic about an evil thirteen year old named Robert Caligari; a boy who wants to take over the world, cause deadly mayhem and, for reasons of his own, kick pigs. This March, you’ll have the chance to see the tragedy unfold gloriously in front of your eyes.
If you know the book, you’ll know the challenges in adapting this maniacal tale - as Tom himself said in his recent newsletter:
“I wondered how a small theatre company could stage my story - which has a cast of hundreds, and includes a motorway pile-up with coachloads of people. I also wondered how they would manage to make my tale of evil horror funny, as I intended it to be” – if you want to find out, you’ll have to come and see for yourself!
Tickets are available from the Jacksons Lane website. Murderous teens, shark mutilation, a nasty incident with weed-killer cornflakes and a potential apocalypse – dare you come along for the ride?
View the trailer for the production, below:
“Possibly the most well-delivered moment of black humour I have ever seen on stage” - The Public Reviews *****
“Many deliciously funny moments … Almost constantly, there is laughter throughout.” - What’s On Stage *****
“Distinctive, fully-realised comic characters and a style that carries right through flawlessly from the construction and delivery of the dialogue to the pace of the scene to the whole look of everything: costume, make-up, scenery, projections and physicality.” - The British Theatre Guide
+ For further information call the Jacksons Lane Theatre Box Office on 020 8341 4421.
+ Follow @Kill_Beast on Twitter.
+ Follow @DrWhoOnline on Twitter.
[Source: Kill The Beast Theatre]