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17 October 2016

DWO recently caught up with Doctor Who Missing Episode hunter, Philip Morris - responsible for the discoveries of The Web Of Fear & The Enemy Of The World, 3 years ago. Read the DWO interview, below:

It has been 3 years since the official announcement of your fantastic discovery of nine missing episodes of Doctor Who. How happy were you with the finished, packaged product released by BBC DVD and how likely do you feel it is that the last missing episode from The Web Of Fear will be found?

Very happy with the job BBC Worldwide did on restoration, packaging, artwork. You have to remember, back then BBC Worldwide did not really know how these lost stories would be received - basically, how successful. Web 3 will surface, I will make sure it does! I never give up and never give in!

Which single discovery has brought you the most satisfaction in all your years of hunting?

The single best discovery is still ahead of me. Definitely!

Have you read all the theories on the now famous ‘Omnirumour’ and what are you thoughts on it all?

The famous omnirumour! I have seen some of the strange theories, but it’s nothing new. Rumours always surround Doctor Who - it’s always ‘my mate who has an uncle’, that sort of thing. Never any solid facts to back it up, so I haven’t read all the theories, really, I stick with the hard facts. However, I will say the truth is stranger than fiction and my best advice… believe it when you see it!

There has been some chatter about more potential discoveries. Is the wind still blowing in the right direction and can we hope to have more episodes returned in the near future?

There will always be chatter about wishing our favourite shows back into existence. It’s nice to discuss, however, the truth is it takes a lot of really hard work - which I enjoy, I really do. I really believe in what I do and the work TIEA does, however, there is hope, of course.

If you could take a round trip in the TARDIS, anywhere in time and space, where would you go and why?

A trip in the TARDIS... where would I go… probably back to were I could record every missing show possible in UK history and bring it all back so we can all enjoy our rich heritage.

Many thanks, Phil!

Thank you! …we will return.

[Source: Doctor Who Online]

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