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Stuart Mascair

27 July 2014

The Sunday Times have a brand new interview with Peter Capaldi on his role as The Doctor in todays magazine supplement.

In an interview with The Sunday Times Magazine, Capaldi, 56, rules out a potentially toe-curling Doctor Who romance with Clara Oswald, played by Jenna Coleman, 28:

“It’s not what this Doctor’s concerned with, it’s quite a fun relationship, but no, I did call and say, ‘I want no Papa-Nicole mo–ments.’ I think there was a bit of tension with that at first, but I was absolutely adamant.”

Read the full article by purchasing todays newspaper or subscribing online.

Watch a short promotional video which asks Capaldi about collecting the Doctor Who annuals, in the player, below:

Below is DWO's guide to the confirmed and rumoured titles for Series 8:

8.1: Deep Breath - written by Steven Moffat
8.2: Into The Dalek - written by Phil Ford
8.3: Robot Of Sherwood
 - written by Mark Gatiss
8.4: Listen
 - written by Steven Moffat
8.5: Time Heist
 - written by Stephen Thompson
8.6: The Caretaker - written by Gareth Roberts
8.7: Kill The Moon - written by Peter Harness
8.8: Mummy On The Orient Express - written by Jamie Mathieson
8.9: Flatline - written by Jamie Mathieson
8.10: In The Forest Of The Night - written by Frank Cottrell Boyce
8.11: Dark Water - written by Steven Moffat
8.12: Death In Heaven - written by Steven Moffat

+  Series 8 of Doctor Who will air in the UK on 23rd August 2014, on BBC One.
+  Series 8 of Doctor Who will air in the USA on 23rd August 2014, on BBC America.
+  Series 8 of Doctor Who will air in Canada on 23rd August 2014, on SPACE.
+  Series 8 of Doctor Who will air in Australia on 24th August 2014, on ABC1

[Source: BBC]

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