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24 September 2021

Publisher: Self Published

Written By: Jeremy Dwyer

RRP: £0.77 / $1.06 (Kindle)

Reviewed by: Sebastian J. Brook

Our latest fantasy review is for Jeremy Dwyer's Potion Voyages series, as we delve into Book 1: Castle & Conceit.

Right from the start the author launches straight into his world-building, and immediately paints a vivid  world, rich in detail and description. Hot blue suns, far-reaching oceans and jewel-encrusted palaces tease the menu of the delicacies to come in this epic fantasy series.

Written in third-person prose, the writing style works wonderfully in an almost 'Fighting Fantasy' type way, and any character interactions are made all the more prominent because of this.

Speaking of characters, we have a terrifically diverse cast here; from the magical Taesa, the conflicted historian, Judith, to the deliciously evil Prince Octavian and his equally despicable advisor Cassius, to the awful Keallach (Captain of the Burning Bones). There are many more, but these were among our favourites.

As with all good fantasy, this is a tale of good vs evil, but rather more than that, what's interesting is the various levels between each - on both sides, and the clever way in which Dwyer plays them off against each other. The empire that Octavian, and moreso, Cassius is building, neatly and cleverly ties into key players throughout the book, and it interesting seeing the conflict in those with better intentions.

There is a brilliant magic system, which isn't complex and really invigorates the plot through its perfectly peppered usage - rather genuinely it all ties into the water-based theme that is current throughout the story.

Perhaps most genius of all is Dwyer's ability to pull in an audible experience to the Potion Voyages series. Those of you with access to SoundCloud, will find a selection of free music that go hand-in-hand with those referenced in the book. Chapter 10's 'Praise Every Sun Upon The Sea' is a wonderful, almost lamentful song, sung by Taesa. It's incredibly immersive and genuinely adds to the overall experience, and we HIGHLY recommend you make use of it when reading.

When you get to the end you just know this is the start of something much bigger, and kudos to the author in his craftsmanship of this entire world and its rich detail and characters. Here's looking excitedly towards Book 2!

+  Potion Voyages - Book 1: Castle & Conceit is Out Now!
+  Buy this book from Amazon.co.uk!
+  Buy this book from Amazon.com!
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