Over the past couple of days there has been a rather nasty rumour claiming that Chris Chibnall has sensationally quit the show mid-season, and with him, Jodie Whittaker.
DWO have received confirmation from a trusted BBC insider who has reassured us that these rumours are false. Further rumour also suggested there will be a press release today confirming the departures - this too is false and there will be no such press release coming today or anytime in foreseeable future.
We also want to take the opportunity to say how disheartening it is to see such vicious rumours appear. Chris isn't the sort of person to up and quit a show he cares so much about - especially mid-season, and likewise, Jodie wouldn't want to disappoint fans in this manner either.
Further to this, whilst there are some fans who may not like the current showrunner / Doctor choice, jumping on a hate-fuelled bandwagon simply throws shade a TV show that they claim to love. Doctor Who has a long, rich history - full of change. Whilst we all may have our favourites, we believe that supporting this show through all its many changes is something we should all be a little bit better at.
We have a wonderful fandom; truly wonderful - a wide-ranging mix of fans from all kinds of backgrounds. What an even better place it could be if we could pull together just that little bit more...
[Source: DWO]