Our friends over at MDIFILM just sent over a cool, independently made Doctor Who Fan Film called T.R.A.C.E. – A Doctor Who Fan Film Webisode.
The project is relatively ambitious, great marital arts stunts, visual effects, and with a total running time for an hour but will be broken down into 5-8 minutes each and shown directly online on YouTube, Vimeo and social media sites.
The Pilot (Episode 1) was premiered on 7th May, 2014 with a full house at Atlas Cinemas Lakeshore for free and it has garnered interest from not only the Doctor Who fans but all martial arts enthusiasts.
Even the local Doctor Who Society of Cleveland supported this fan film, founder Carol Olsen and her husband Eric Olsen has graciously offered their life-sized Tardis for the film set.
Whovians around the world will have a treat, unlike the other Doctor Who fan films, TRACE will include their own made Tardis’ Control Unit that is currently being built by artist Gadi Zamir of Cleveland while set design and props are currently being built by William Cruz Morales and Peter Wong.
T.R.A.C.E. A Doctor Who Fan Film talks about the alternate universe where an empire of military assassins from another dimension is trying to take over this Earth. And, the Doctor (played by Donn Nottrage) is there to save the day. Many other familiar characters will make appearances to delight the Whovians.
Right now, the production team needs your help.
They are looking for your support in producing Episode 2-7 for this series. Only with the cost of a dinner night out from you, can help make this a reality. If you can’t donate financially, then you can continue sharing it to your friends, the more it is shared, the faster it gets to the top of IndieGogo page and being featured, making this a Doctor Who fan dream come alive. After all, they are not asking much, only US $5,000 for the entire season. And most of, they are not paying any talents or crew or locations nor are they using the money to build their arsenal of equipment (as they are already been donated for their use). All they need is fund to help continue build the props, sets, and wardrobe.
+ Check out videos and photos from T.R.A.C.E at: http://igg.me/at/tracethedoctor now!
[Source: MDI Film]