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Stuart Mascair

15 October 2019

On 5th November 2019, the first ever business selling nothing but official, BBC-licensed Doctor Who merchandise will launch; The Time Meddlers!

Based in the UK, but offering worldwide shipping, The Time Meddlers will not only sell merchandise via their online store, but also at their stand in the heart of London’s Covent Garden Jubilee Market which will open the very same day!

As well as that, The Time Meddlers will be attending conventions across the UK, with plans to expand to Europe & beyond in the very near future.


From today, fans can register for access to the pre-launch online sale, which will gain them access to the site a few days before its official opening, with a whopping 25% off of ALL products!

To register, simply head to www.timemeddlers.co.uk - enter your name and email address, and you will then receive details on how to gain access to the site for the pre-launch sale which takes place November 1st through November 3rd.


The fact that every single product available from The Time Meddlers is BBC-licensed means that the factories in which goods are produced are audited by the BBC (i.e. conditions are safe, workers are paid fairly etc.). This is one of the key principals of The Time Meddlers - that everything is done ethically, sustainably, and as environmentally-friendly as possible.

Products are never individually plastic-wrapped, T-Shirts will be packaged in 100% recyclable cardboard packaging which The Time Meddlers have designed and developed with the manufacturer exclusively. Goods being sent out via mail order are also packed using recyclable materials.


The business is owned and run by Shane and Dylan, both experienced in the world of retail and fan events/conventions. 

Speaking on the businesses’ launch, Dylan said:

“Enjoying what I do is one of the most important things for me, and ‘The Time Meddlers’ fills me with so much enthusiasm. Our goal is not only to give Doctor Who fans exactly what they’ve needed for years (a friendly service and affordable merchandise), but also grow & rejuvenate the community for everyone to enjoy and be a part of what we are doing. My main focus is making our stands look incredible, fun and modern. The days of displays looking like something at your local boot sale or a charity shop are gone!”

Shane added:

“This isn’t just a business to us. We’ve been involved in designing and developing new products (which are currently in production), getting really hands-on, because we are fans ourselves. Our goal is to become a part of the fan community and even get the fans involved in what we do. They are our customers, and they know exactly what they want. We have big plans for The Time Meddlers, including a YouTube series which is actually in production as we speak, where genuine fans unbox, review and discuss our products. We’re also working on additional content, but we will announce more in due course! Our priority right now is getting the online shop up and running on time.”

The site is launching with a modest collection of around 50 pieces, and will expand and evolve as new stock arrives and the  business grows. 

You have until midnight, October 31st (GMT) to register for access to the 25% off pre-launch sale.

Once launched, customers will be able to pay using all major credit and debit cards, as well as Paypal.

+  Website: www.timemeddlers.co.uk
+  Facebook: facebook.com/timemeddlers
+  Twitter: twitter.com/timemeddlers
+  Instagram: instagram.com/timemeddlers

[Source: The Time Meddlers]

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